Babywearing Gets Your Family…Clean

It’s 5.15pm, arsenic hour.

The running water of the shower dulls out the protests which are regular part of the evening routine. Daughter aged 6 has just had her curly hair washed, it’s now time to comb it. Here goes…

Daughter aged 4 sings loudly from the shower, a little too loudly for my liking. I continue to comb. Now the sounds of the protesting competes with the singing from the shower.

Now my hair is being yanked! Ouch! I gently move the little chubby hand from my hair, i uncurl her fingers one by one and release what little hair is left still attached to my head. I am reminded that my third daughter, aged 10 months, is watching this scene unfold from the safety of my back. She regularly sees things from across my shoulder. I am thankful that while she is wrapped on my back, at least she will remain dry and can’t crawl into the shower.

At last, I feel her heavy head at the nape of my neck. Her breathing starts to become regular, with the drone of the shower and motion of my walking she’s fast asleep. For that split second, I find myself nodding off too….

“Mum!! Is the shampoo out?” daughter age 4 yells from the shower. I am awoken back to reality. So thankful though, that bub stays asleep.

Babywearing allows you to help patch up the grazed knee of your toddler, push your preschooler on the swing and help your school aged child with their homework. Whilst meeting your baby’s need for closeness, comfort and sleep. While baby sleeps on your back, your arms are free to hold and interact with the other children in your life.

When I wear my baby, I feel empowered, in fact liberated! Not only am I doing the best by her but I am doing the best by my other children.

Babywearing gets our family clean, in doing this, it does remarkably more. What does babywearing do for you?

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